Lula accepts Guyana’s highest honour

By Ravena GildhaRie

Brazil’s outgoing head of state, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva,has accepted Guyana’s  highest award — the Order of Excellence — which was conferred on him with much pomp and celebration on Thursday evening at the National Cultural Centre.  

“It is received with great pride,” he told the gathering of hundreds, adding that it represents a symbol of the special friendship that unites the peoples of Guyana and Brazil. Noting this as his third visit to Georgetown, the Brazilian leader reflected on the relationship shared by the two countries over the years, which has been strengthened at various forums, such as the RIO Group Summit a few years ago. He stated that it is not possible for Brazil to develop itself without its neighbours also walking the road to peace and prosperity. He expressed satisfaction that the citation of the award acknowledges Brazil’s efforts to consolidate the continental destiny of Guyana.

As Guyana steps up to chair the Union of South American States (UNASUR), Lula expressed confidence that Guyana would perform in the new role with great seriousness and competence. He assured the country of Brazil’s support as Guyana takes on this leadership role in South America. Two Brazilian diplomats, he said, have been assigned to work with Guyana while it chairs UNASUR.

Also assuring of continued bilateral relations, he pointed to the creation of the Guyana/ Brazil Border Committee, and reported that other agreements will soon be implemented. In this regard, he reflected on the importance of the  Takutu River Bridge.”In the short time since the bridge was opened,it is already possible to have an extremely positive assessment of the impact on our peoples,” he stated.He added that “the turn-over of people and trade in the region has increased significantly,going over 400 cars per day during the businessweek,and 1,200 during weekends.”

Further,he noted the potential to garner additional opportunities from this linkage,stating clearly that “Brazil wishes to continue to build closer ties of friendship and cooperation with Guyana.” With this objective in mind,Brazil has sent a mission to study the best options to help meet the energy demands of Guyana.”We are interested in participating in the construction of a hydro-electric power plant that is capable (of generating) cheaper and cleaner energy,” he declared.As such, he welcomed conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding to determine the best location for building the power plant in collaboration with Guyana. Moreover, he said the two countries need to follow up on a project for development of the Linden-Lethem roadway.If these developments are realised, he projects that more employment would be available in Guyana’s interior, and more exchange with Brazil would be realised

For Brazil,the roadway would be a means of access to the Caribbean.Additionally, he proudly told the gathering that soon “Guyana and Brazil will be connected by broadband fibre optic cable”, since a Brazilian company has already installed a cable at the border,and this will be extended with lines to Linden and Lethem. On the trade side, Brazil has approved a list of commodities submitted by Guyana that could enter the neighbouring state with zero tax payable.At the technical support level, he noted successful collaboration on crops such as corn, rice, and soya beans,and disclosed that Brazil would assign an expert to certify rice seeds being exported to Brazil.

While Lula highlighted these areas of collaboration,he asked that a working group be set up between the two countries to assess the projects underway and examine new initiatives.With regard to education,he expressed an intention to set up more advanced Portuguese classes in Guyana,so more Guyanese could advance their studies in Brazil.He also noted cooperation in areas of security, and he emphasised Brazil’s continued commitment to work with Guyana and the rest of the Caribbean.

Apart from the formal presentations,Lula and the visiting delegations were treated to an evening of rich artistic performances that showcased the various cultures of Guyana.The programme kicked off with the singing of a most appropriate song, “O Beautiful Guyana”,and proceeded with dances performed by Amerindian, East Indian and African artistes.







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