Love indeed conquers all

Dear Editor,
What a fairytale wedding the marriage between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has been. This is a wish come true for both parties. Mostly, people on a global scale were happy for this couple and I must say I agreed with Rev Curry, who was one of the preachers who spoke at the royal wedding.
Love indeed conquers all. Love is the nuclear weapon that unites humankind to live in peace. I have no doubt Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, will be a unique ambassador for peace and goodwill for all nations. Good luck to the princess.

Love is, however, strong like a nuclear weapon that has consequences. It can explode for the right or wrong reasons depending on one’s ability to deal with its ups and downs. But I do believe Meghan can handle it. Meghan Markle cannot escape that she married into the royal British institution that represents bittersweet times of colonialism and 700 years of slavery.
In today’s atmosphere within the African Diaspora, and most Caribbean nations and organisations like Guyana’s African Cultural and Development Association (ACDA) are demanding reparations and an apology from the British Crown of which Meghan Markle is now part of. That will place Meghan in a very precarious position. When an outsider marries into the Royal British family it’s expected that they will have to follow in the shadow of the Queen and her royal family keeping their lips somewhat closed. And for this particular reason the Pakistani Doctor Hashmat Khan (CCN aired 5/ 19 /18) refused to marry Princess Diana after a divorce from Prince Charles. Doctor Hashmat Khan and his family thought logically marrying Diana would have dire consequences living in the shadow of British royalty.
Obviously we witnessed Africans globally celebrating Meghan’s marriage into the British royal family , and the Queen breaking all traditions of royal ethics (Princess Diana must be virgin, King Edwards VIII’s abdication, Princess Margaret forfeiting her rights to marry a divorcée) and Africans rejoicing they have now reached the Promised Land. Are Africans now willing like the Queen and British royalty to break traditions in their demand for reparations and forgive the ugly time of British colonisation and slavery all in the name of one love?
Vassan Ramracha

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