Look out fuh de, “Rumble in Sophia Jungle”

Since David open he mouth and seh de nation ain’t gat a father, plenty tek he on fuh let he know how wrong he is. Even de BC did. Now, Aubrey, who is from de Coconut Tree party, which is about ninety-six per cent of de “Hands Up” party, decide fuh tek on David too. People seh dem don’t need any percentage stats to know that de “Hands Up” party is de same as de Coconut Tree party. So it means that Aubrey is one of David “own” who now publicly showing that he tek umbrage at de “fatherless” statement! Aubrey let David know that de nation gat a father and mention Uncle Cheddi name.
Fuh please he people, he even mention “founding fathers” and again Uncle Cheddi was mentioned along with Uncle Forbes. According to Aubrey, who is David fuh seh that de nation is without a father! Plenty see David statement as a insult since it means that all a we is “bas.. rds!” Apparently, Aubrey really tek umbrage to that. He want fuh know who is David fuh come in he house and call he a “bas.. rd!”
Aubrey also want fuh know how David could dis de founding father of de Coconut Tree party and now trying fuh win de upcoming internal elections fuh run it! Some seh that Aubrey ain’t using words like “bas.. rd” fuh describe David, he using other words that can’t get print! People now eagerly looking forward to what gon happen at de upcoming congress. Dem know it suppose to be a battle between David and Carl, but now, Aubrey ain’t teking leff. People sehin is behaviour like that mek David didn’t put Aubrey in de House. Dem sehin that if David win, then he gon put Aubrey completely out of de “Kabaka house!” Dem seh that would mek Aubrey “fatherless” and “homeless” Dem also sehin that since “Father Kabaka” ain’t leff no will, “ownership” of de Coconut Tree house gon always be in dispute. De Congress shaping up to be a “rumble in de Sophia jungle!” Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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