Local marksmen in training

Great Britain’s rifle shooting coach Ian Shaw (left), national captain Mahendra Persaud (center) and president of the GOA K A Juman Yassin, at Monday’s press conference (Photo: Rajiv Bisnauth)
Great Britain’s rifle shooting coach Ian Shaw (left), national captain Mahendra Persaud (center) and president of the GOA K A Juman Yassin, at Monday’s press conference (Photo: Rajiv Bisnauth)

With the aim of assisting in the growth of rifle shooting locally and improving the abilities of the country’s riflemen, the Guyana National Rifle Association (GNRA) in partnership with the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA), is presently conducting a two-week training stint for local marksmen.

The training is being conducted by Great Britain’s rifle shooting coach, Ian Shaw, who on Monday said that he is pleased with the progress of the riflemen to date.

The sessions, which will cover all areas including team building, are aimed at improving the overall game of the each individual, as well as Guyana’s rifle shooting team.

“What we are looking to do is to look at individual performances of shooters and also look at the team as a whole and to address areas which need work that were already identified,” Shaw said on Monday at a press conference hosted by the GNRA at Olympic House on High Street, Georgetown.

According to Shaw, the individuals are keen to learn which he said is very heartening for the success of the sport here.

While Shaw did not go into the different techniques the marksmen are part of, he pointed out that the shooters went through their paces on the electronic Scatt Training System.

This system, according to Shaw, analyses every element of what the shooters are doing and they’ve been looking at how they can make small improvements which overall would make vast improvements over time.

Speaking also at the press conference, president of the Guyana Olympic Association (GOA), K.A. Juman Yassin, said rifle shooting for Guyana will be a very important component at the Commonwealth Games.

“We have been doing well in rifle shooting and [we] hope that with the input with Mr. Shaw that our team would be able to rise higher than what they have been doing,” Yassin said.

Yassin is also looking forward for more cooperation from other members of the Great Britain rifle shooting team.

Meanwhile, national captain Mahendra Persaud expressed profound gratitude to GOA for the making the training a reality. (Rajiv Bisnauth)


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