Lindeners start reconstruction of burnt school

The reconstruction of the One Mile Primary School in Linden, which was set ablaze by arsonists last week, began on Sunday when hundreds converged at the burnt out site to dedicate their time and resources toward the initiative.
This mega community effort comes one week after the school was torched. Since the blaze which left many in tears, Lindeners have pledged to rebuild the school. With the use of a front-end-loader donated by Bosai Minerals Group Guyana Incorporated (BMGGI), the burnt out site began to clear of all unwanted debris while men, women and even children who were armed with spades and hammers, manually dismantled the remains of the school.

Residents clearing the burnt out site of the One Mile Primary School in Linden

A Partnership For National Unity (APNU) Region 10 parliamentary representative Vanessa Kissoon told Guyana Times International that the massive turn out signals that Linden is prepared to rebuild its future as she alluded to periods of the unrest when three persons were killed, scores injured and many affected by tear gas that was thrown in the vicinity of their homes.
“The residents have shown that they are determined to rebuild our future block by block… they have a front-end loader donated by BOSAI men and women with spade… persons have sledge hammers to break down the walls and other parts and fetching blocks.”
While the team of residents has only managed to commence the clearing of the site, this publication understands that there has been tremendous support, with persons pledging materials and finance as well.
“Persons have pledged to donate blocks and finance… in aid of the rebuilding our future and the residents are committed to making this a success.” Currently, the regional leaders are establishing a work schedule that will depict the working hours.
It is the hope of some residents that flood lamps will be erected around the site so that persons can work during the night. “We are committed to rebuilding the school and we will do just that, the future of pupils of One Mile Primary will be bright,” Kissoon reiterated.
Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) David Granger has also pledged his party’s continued support for the people of Linden and Region 10 in their quest for social and economic justice, and a higher quality of life. Granger committed his party to start donations with 36 sacks of cement. He commended residents on their initiative to rebuild the school by self-help.
The PNCR leader also applauded hundreds of residents who started making on-the-spot financial donations and pledges to assist in rebuilding the school.
The PNCR leader said that Linden was an example to the rest of the nation on how grassroots democracy really works, and congratulated residents for their steadfastness and sacrifice during the crisis.
Granger travelled to Linden on Saturday to participate in a commemorative ceremony in observance of the July 18 killing of three Lindeners – Ron Sommerset, Allen Lewis and Shemroy Bouyea, allegedly by police. The PNCR leader expressed his party’s disappointment that, after one month, no one had been arrested or charged with the killing. The PNCR pledged to continue to stand with the families and victims of the July 18 atrocity until justice is served.

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