Lindener wins junior Calypso competition

Lindener Diana Chapman, exerting passion and energy that captivated the audience at the Mackenzie Sports Club, sang her way to victory at the 2011 Junior Mashramani Calypso competition in Linden on Saturday, January 29th.

The runner-up at last year’s competition beat off a strong challenge from a field of thirteen with her song ‘Bring back Brer Anansi’.

Defending champion Tennicia De Freitas, who sang “Can’t take it no more”, also won over the energy of the crowd, but not exactly that of the judges, as she had to settle for second place. Another Lindener, Ornesta Nelson, placed third. Nelson, twice winner of the annual competition, sang a song entitled “E too much.”

Chapman’s song spoke about what her grandmother used to tell her about the economic conditions of Guyana a long time ago. She said that she enjoyed the stories her grandmother told her about when Guyana was the ‘bread basket of the Caribbean’ and the many achievements of the country.

The new Mashramani Junior Calypso champion said she worked very hard for her victory, and expressed appreciation to Bonny Alves, who wrote the song, her father Norman Chapman, the Regional Democratic Councillor (RDC), and the Linden Mashramani Committee. Chapman said she now hopes to enter the Senior Calypso competition and make it a double victory. Jedidah Wilkinson also had the crowd behind her with her song, “Wha really happening?,” which spoke about crime and the lack of proper investigation; but, surprisingly, she did not make the top three. The thirteen contestants were judged in three main categories — lyrics, melody, and rendition and presentation.

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