Linden ‘truth commission’ sworn in

President Donald Ramotar on Wednesday swore four of the five Commissioners who will be investigating the July 18 deaths of three protesters at Linden, Region 10, following clashes with the police.
Cabinet Secretary, Dr. Roger Luncheon later told a news conference that GUY$80 million have been budgeted for the inquiry expected to last 30 days.

Left to Right: Guyana’s former Justice of Appeal, Claudette Singh; former Chief Justice of Jamaica, Lensley Wolfe; former independent senator in Trinidad and Tobago, Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal and Jamaica’s Former National Security Minister, Senior Counsel K.D. Knight

Those sworn in at the Office of the President were Jamaica’s Former National Security Minister, Senior Counsel K.D. Knight; former Chief Justice of Jamaica, Lensley Wolfe, former independent senator in Trinidad and Tobago, Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal and Guyana’s former Justice of Appeal Claudette Singh, CCH.
The fifth member, Guyana’s former Chancellor of the Judiciary Cecil Kennard, was said to be on annual leave and would be sworn in subsequently.
President Ramotar in brief remarks after the ceremony stated that he hoped the Commission would be able to get to the “truth” quickly.
“I do hope that the Commission of Inquiry will move quickly to get to the truth and end a lot of the speculation that has been in our society. Many people seem to already have the answers so we hope to get the answers from the Commissioners as early as possible,” Ramotar stated.
He also lauded the regional involvement in calling it a progressive step in the integration movement.
HPS Dr Roger Luncheon said the authorities would use the next two weeks to call on witnesses to appear before the commission. Hearings could begin by mid month and last 30 working days. Hearings would be held at the Law Library Building, High Court compound.
Shemroy Bouyea, Ron Somerset and Allan Lewis died subsequent to a clash with the police who had employed the use of tear gas and pellets to clear the Mackenzie-Wismar Bridge which had been occupied by protesters demonstrating against a move to increase electricity rates.
The protest, initially planned for five days, escalated with residents responding by burning vehicles and several government properties and blocking major roads for just over a month until their demands were met.
Following is the Terms of Reference for the Commission of Inquiry.
1. Inquire into and report on the circumstances surrounding the shooting to death of Ivan lewis, Ron Somerset and Shemroy Bouyea and the injury of several other persons on the 18th July, 2012 at the Mackenzie-Wismar Bridge.
Specifically to:
(a) Identify what unit was deployed at the scene at the bridge and what was its composition?
(b) what training was given to the unit, individually and collectively, in preparation for the crowd control operation?
(c) determine whether the shooting to death of the three persons was done by the police detachment on the bridge.
(d) if so determined, inquire who gave the order to fire and whether the police had justification for the use of lethal force at the scene.
(e) inquire into instructions given and the conduct of the Guyana Police Force detachment in carrying out its law enforcement functions on Wednesday, 18th July, 2012 at the scene at the Wismar-Mackenzie Bridge.
(f) inquire what, if any, general or specific instructions did the Minister of Home Affairs give to the Guyana Police Force to maintain law and order in Linden immediately before, during and immediately after the events on Wednesday, July 18th. 2012.
(g) inquire into the actual cause of death of the three deceased.
(h) inquire into the nature of the violence and destruction and its perpetrators that immediately followed the July 18th hooting.
2. Make recommendations, implementation of which will assist the Guyana Police Force in effectively and professionally discharging their responsibilities for the maintenance of law and order in the aforesaid community of Linden and similar communities without endangering their own safety and that of innocent persons.
3. Make recommendations for compensation where necessary for injury, lost or damage as a consequence of the events of July 18th, 2012.

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