Linden Town Week 2013 aims to be more community-oriented

A scene from Linden Town Week last year

Plans for Linden Town Week (LTW) 2013 are currently on stream with the selection of a new planning committee, comprising members of the Linden Mayor and Town Council (M&TC) Social Committee.
The event showcases the talents of the mining town, and is usually held between April and May, every year. According to organising committee member Staydon Payne, persons can look forward to a better event next year since the focus has shifted to having a high quality event.
“Next year, we’re not going for a large number of events, the signature events that would have been carried out this year would definitely be coming back next year, like the “All Black”, the youths from the Linden Fund USA, sports, including football.”
He added that the LTW pageant, which was absent this year, will be returning next year.
“We’re trying to make it more community-oriented, there will be a lot of community-oriented projects coming out of the LTW 2013,” he said.
A number of stakeholders are also expected to play a more integral role in the management and preparations of the annual event, which will continue to be managed by the M&TC. Stakeholders on the committee include Bosai Minerals Group Guyana Incorporated (BMGGI), the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN), Star Bonnett, a number of contractors and hotels from within the mining town, the management of the Mackenzie Sports Club (MSC) and a number of contractors.
According to LTW Public Relations Officer Charis Joseph, the suggested date for next year’s event is April 22 to May 1. Currently, the committees are inviting proposals for a theme, which will reflect the spirit of the activities. She said too that members of the public are also inviting suggestions for improvement of the activities, which usually include the showcasing of arts and craft, agriculture, and community forums, among others.
This year’s event was declared a success by Interim Management Committee (IMC) Chairman Orrin Gordon, who noted the significant contribution made by the Guyanese diaspora.

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