Linden radio by August – new licensee

Linden businessman Haslyn Graham – one of the new radio licensees – has announced plans to launch his radio network by August. Operating under Linden Wireless Communication Network Inc, Graham was granted approval for an Internet Service Provider (ISP) and radio licence. He is currently in the process of setting up the station at a refurbished building, which he has transformed into a studio located on Richmond Hill, Mackenzie.

Linden businessman Haslyn Graham
Linden businessman Haslyn Graham

Graham, who is currently president of the Linden Amateur Basketball Association (LABA), noted that he has hopes of acquiring a wireless cable television licence, which he has applied for and is currently awaiting approval.
He noted that he is looking forward to bringing quality, unbiased entertainment to the Linden community and although he will be working independently, he is also looking forward to working with the relevant authorities, regardless of political orientation.
He said he was optimistic that when the radio station comes on board, it will also provide meaningful employment to members of the Linden community.
“I’m looking to start broadcasting to Linden community by late July, early August – although I can start now if I want to – but I want to get everything in order so that when I get on air, Linden would be receiving nothing but quality entertainment. There are just a few loose ends that I need to take care of.
“There is a lot of development that can come out of having the radio station in the Linden community. There are a lot of talents to be showcased right here and we can make it happen. I do intend to promote programmes that can be of help to youths in society, while also catering for everyone else. There are so many issues that need to be addressed and I know that Lindeners would embrace the idea,” he noted.
Graham said that although the process of his licence being approved was a long one, he is happy that he was patient and that he persevered.
“The company was registered over 10 years ago as Orbit Television, then Hilltop Radio and then I changed it to Linden Wireless Communication Network INC. A woman met me the other day and she said ‘wow, only now you got through? Well, you deserve it because you were really patient.’ I am happy that I waited,” he said.
Some Lindeners shared their views with this newspaper on the soon-to-be launched radio station.
“I feel ecstatic, delighted. I thought this would never happen. Finally we are getting somewhere and I think Lindeners really ought to support this, because finally people can hear some good programmes here in Linden. I personally spoke with Mr Graham and he told me about some of the things that he has planned for the community, some of the programmes and so forth and they sound really wonderful, so I think people should really support this venture,” said Christina Payton.
“I think the radio station can definitely help, because there are so many things in Linden that’s lacking and I hope that Mr Graham would be looking at getting the relevant people to go on the radio to talk about how things can be developed here in Linden,” another Lindener, who gave his name only as Sherwin, noted.
Back in March, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds listed the number of persons/ companies that were granted permission to broadcast television, cable, and radio signals.
Specifically for radio, those granted permission are: the National Communications Network (Government); Radio Guyana Inc (Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop); Telecor and Cultural Broadcasting Inc (Omar Lochan); NTN Radio (Anand Persaud); New Guyana Company Ltd (Dharam Kumar Seeraj); Wireless Connections (Maxwell Thom); Hits and Jams Entertainment (Rawle Ferguson); Alfro Alphonso and Sons Enterprise (Alfro Alphonso); Haslyn Graham (Linden Wireless Communication); Little Rock Television Station (Rocliffe Christie) and Rudy Grant.

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