Linden pact paves way for more TV stations in community

The nomination of University of Guyana civil engineering lecturer Sherwood Lowe as a member of the National Broadcasting Authority by the People’s National Congress Reform leader, David Granger was prompted by the Linden crisis.

Former Opposition Leader Robert Corbin

“The nomination was prompted by the urgency of the Linden crisis… to ensure one of the fundamental constitutional rights of the Lindeners, the right to receive information,” Granger said.
Lowe’s nomination would pave the way for the full constitution of the authority as well as the granting of licences for private radio and television stations, particularly in Linden.
He told Guyana Times International on Sunday that the nomination was done despite the party’s objection to certain sections of the Broadcast Bill.
The PNCR had objected to the legislation that allows for the establishment of the Broadcasting Authority.
But according to Granger, by nominating Lowe, the party has not cancelled its objection to the bill. He said: “We have not removed our objections to certain parts of the bill – we will deal with that when the House resumes in October… the matter isn’t closed. We can deal with that by the normal legislation process.”
The passage of the Broadcast Bill last year allowed for the review of some 55 radio licence applications. The bill was passed in the National Assembly despite the absence of the entire opposition.
Former Opposition Leader Robert Corbin had argued that the bill contravened the tenet of consultation. He also said the bill violated the spirit of a joint committee set up by then President Bharrat Jagdeo and the late Desmond Hoyte as well as a subsequent agreement signed between Jagdeo and Corbin himself.
The move by Granger will now allow Region 10 to re-acquire and operate a television transmitter and dish that were gifted to the community by Green Construction some years ago.
As part of the agreements made between central government and the administration of Region 10, the very dish and transmitter will be given to the Region 10 Democratic Council. The dish and transmitter should be transferred to the region within 14 days of the signing of this agreement.
It was also agreed that the administration of Region 10 will apply for a broadcasting licence and the government will facilitate the granting of that licence in keeping with the country’s laws.

People’s National Congress Reform Leader, David Granger

Region 10 Chairman Sharma Solomon told this publication on Sunday that the agreement now paves the way for the local stations to expand their signal to reach the mining town. “Yes, it means that;… government was waiting on the opposition to submit its nominee… so it means more signal… we will retain what we would have lost… more television signal would be allowed to come to Linden,” Solomon explained.

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