Linden needs to become self sufficient – Mayor urges cash be retained in community

Linden Mayor and Town Council Interim Management Committee (IMC) Chairman Orrin Gordon said the community must seek new avenues in order to improve and increase its money circulation, which he believes will lead to it becoming economically stable.
He was at the time speaking to members of the community and media operatives at the recently held Linden Media Forum, which sought to shed light on the state of the Linden community.
Gordon noted that the money circulating in the community is just over Gy$5 billion, with the goods and services produced on a yearly basis being about US$40 million. However, he noted that a lot of it leaves the community, and this hinders development.
“With that kind of money passing on a weekly basis, we need to look and see what it could have done for our community… we’re on the lower end of the trade, that’s something that we have to address and address it very quickly,” he said. Gordon stressed that there is a tremendous difference in what passes through and what actually stays in Linden.
In assessing the state of the community, he noted that crime, which is currently rampant, also plays a major role in “shedding a bad light” on Linden. He said that if something is not done quickly to address the issue, there may be serious consequences.
Addressing the issue of garbage collection, which currently lies in the hands of private contractor Cevons Waste Management, he noted that the Linden Mayor and Town Council (M&TC) has the capacity to deal with the community’s waste disposal.
Gordon said he did not support the agreement, which was signed last December handing over the responsibility of domestic waste to the private contractor. The M&TC, however, has the responsibility of dealing with commercial waste disposal.
In closing, the IMC chairman said the community needs to embrace itself and become self-sufficient, instead of looking to others to do things that it should be doing itself.

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