Linden gets New Mayor

Newly-appointed Mayor of the Linden Municipality, Waneka Arindell and Deputy Mayor Wainewright Bethune were given an honorary welcome into the Council on Wednesday with an officiating march-past by Constabulary staff.

Mayor Waneka Arindell and Deputy Mayor Wainewright Bethune take the salute during the Constabulary march-past on Wednesday

Following this, Arindell hosted the first statutory meeting of the Council since being officially sworn in as Mayor on March 28. Outgoing Mayor Carwyn Holland was also awarded a token of appreciation by staff for serving two conservative terms. His name has since been added to the official list of Linden Mayors displayed on the walls of the Constabulary Hall.
Holland also thanked Councillors and members of the municipality for nominating and electing him to serve as Mayor. He also wished the new Mayor and Deputy Mayor a successful term, advising them to work together. “I wish to leave with the understanding that service to the community comes first. We have to pay keen attention to petty politicking which can affect and stymie progress and cause major distractions. I wish that the new Mayor be allowed to function without these interjections coming from both Councillors and from Administration”, he noted while advocating for the Deputy Mayor to be given an office owing to the demands of the post.

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