Linden convicted robber nabbed with unlicensed gun, ammo

Convicted robber Eon Ward
Convicted robber Eon Ward

A Twenty-five-year-old man of Central Amelia’s Ward, Linden, who was recently sentenced in absentia to five years’ imprisonment for armed robbery and the unlawful possession of firearm and ammunition, was on Monday arrested by Police ranks at his home.

Eon Ward, commonly known as “Killa” Ward will now face an additional charge since the Police unearthed an unlicensed 9mm Ruger Semi-Automatic Pistol with seven matching rounds of ammunition. Once the charge is read to him, he will be taken to prison to commence his five-year sentence.

“Killa” was charged on October 19, 2011 for three counts of armed robbery. Police in 2011 stated that he relieved Carlos Brown of two cell phones on October 14, 2011 at Co-op Crescent, Mackenzie while being armed with a firearm.

On the said day, he, along with an accomplice, robbed Richard Alves and Michael Pooran of G$1,056,950 in cash. The money belonged to Edward B Beharry Company Ltd.

In addition, Police accused Ward of robbing Veronica Fonttanelle of close to G$500,000 in cash and a quantity of cheques, property of Utility Services Co-op Society Limited. This occurred in June of 2011.

Ward was apprehended by Police after a high-speed chase through the streets of Mackenzie. After making several court appearances, he was released on bail during the trial, and was a no-show for the ruling. He was sentenced in his absence and a warrant was issued for his arrest. He had been in hiding until his arrest on Monday.


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