Like a

bad penny…

…Nagamootoo keeps showing up
One of the persons who stuck out like a sore thumb on Nomination Day to your Eyewitness was Moses Nagamootoo. What exactly is his role going forward in the PNC-led coalition? Shouldn’t that role be determined by the AFC which brought him to the dance to begin with?? Well, that party resoundingly rejected him as the nominee for the coalition’s PM slot and, instead, chose Khemraj Ramjattan.
He then asserted he was not competing for any position in the party. So, who exactly who gave him any sort of standing to represent the AFC going forward? The truth of the matter is that Nagamootoo’s loathed by even the few AFCites left. After all, he’s so consistently and intensely brown-nosed Granger after given Larwah by the PNC – instead of a Prime Ministership on steroids as promised – it was downright mortifying!! Even for the AFCites who’ve already crossed over the River Styx!!
But Nagamootoo knows what he’s doing. He’s always been a sycophant – starting with Cheddi and Janet when he was in the PPP and used to carry the latter’s handbag at the mirror!! Has any man sung the Jagans’ hosannas as loudly as Nagamootoo?? Even their own son – prodigal as he might be – never called them “Ma and Pa” so ostentatiously and simperingly!! Not that the Jagans were fooled: they never appointed him to any high office when they were still around. They knew from long (and bitter) experience, he was a “talk man” and not a “do man”.
But this is exactly the quality that Granger and the PNC were looking for. They never intended to give any real power to anyone who was not “born PNC” – and were pleased when Nagamootoo accepted the Larwah he got, without even a whimper. He’d do anything for that salary, air-conditioned quarters and those outriders!! So suddenly, just when Harry and Meghan were ditching the British Royals, Nagamootoo was pronounced “royalty” by the PNC!! Bigger than Clive Lloyd!!
Did you see the armchair he was seated in at Hopetown when poor Ramjattan had to perch precariously on that plastic chair?? Royalty, boy!! It’s your Eyewitness considered view that Nagamootoo will still be appointed as PM by Granger – if by some fluke (or rigging) he were to capture the Presidency. It’s not only that they neither trust nor like Ramjattan (they don’t – and it has nothing to do with being shifty-eyed!) but they love Nagamootoo so much!
Nagamootoo’s the man who’ll go along with the succession plan. He’s a “Polka” expert – that 19th-century Bohemian dance with three steps and a hop!
Ramjattan, on the other hand, only knows the “Conga”: three steps and a kick!!

…living off the PPP
Now that the PNC will be forced to boast about their “record”, it’s time the Guyanese people understand something. It’s not for nothing that their refrain was immortalised in their D’Urban Park launch in calypso – “Give David more time”!! They’ve done precious little over the past five years! And it’s not that they didn’t know what to do!! Their glossy manifesto – which fooled many Guyanese – were chock full of plans.
The point is, the PNC is just like Nagamootoo – they can talk the talk but can’t walk the walk!! They think they can take some book learning and translate it into achievements. Look how they torpedoed our oil contract negotiations by sending Trotman to negotiate with Exxon’s battery of experienced lawyers. The PNC was impressed that Trotman has an MA from Tufts!! The Texas lawyers just skinned up this neophyte!! But even the few “accomplishments” – the WCD and ECD Highways, Mandela bypass; CJIA modernisation etc were all initiated by the PPP who left them in the Pipeline.
Including the two they couldn’t get around to – the DHB and the Ogle-Diamond bypass!!
The PNC is hapless and hopeless.

…getting last lick
From the moment they acceded to office, the PNC’s been consumed by corruption.
Is that G$826.7M contract for Yarrowkabra Secondary School their last lick?!!

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