Letter from the edge of oblivion

Satiricus, as usual, when not at the Back Street in his leisure time, was in his hammock. And just as usual, fell asleep. This time as soon as he’d read his KFC party was going to write a letter to the Pee-an-See to renegotiate their Valentine Pre-Nuptial agreement, he’d wondered what his leader Nagga Man would write and suddenly here he was, reading the letter!!
Dear Boss Man,
As you know, next Feb 13, will be three years since we agreed to get hitched up on Valentine’s Day 2015 and we have to renegotiate it. Time really flies when you’re having a good time, doesn’t it? And let me assure you, Boss Man, I’ve been having a real good time!
I want to take the opportunity to thank you for giving me that top-up on my G$1.5 million monthly salary and the special tinting for my black, tinted G$22 million SUV. As I explained, I needed it to visit my people in Berbice. Even though the PPCEE parted the waters of the Berbice River with a bridge, I still have to drive across it in style. My supporters, most of whom are sugar workers, need to know their leader is doing well. Builds their morale. Maybe as part of the new agreement I can have one of those stretch limo? I need to take a nap on these long rides.
And another thing, Boss Man, could you make my salary tax free? This is not because YOUR higher salary is tax free, but because Mustache Man’s salary is. He keeps skinning his teeth at me!
And don’t worry about some KFC members saying you didn’t give me all the responsibilities under the pre-nup agreement. Now who needs responsibilities? I find it much more fulfilling to cut ribbons for schoolchildren over here, and then fly off overseas to cut some more ribbons.
And also, don’t worry about those KFC wackos from overseas. They’re jealous about my perks!!

Your Doormat

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