Let’s focus on nation building

Dear Editor,

I have noted the comments and statements made by various individuals and organisations regarding the granting of the now famous Permission for Geological and Geophysical Survey (PGGS) for the New River Triangle, South East of Guyana.

However, despite the facts and clarifications, including credible support from the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association (GGDMA), the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and attorney Ralph Ramkarran, just to name a  few, there is still a so-called financial analyst that has launched a nasty attack on those who supported the Muri Brazil Ventures PGGS.

In several opinionated articles created by this financial analyst, Christopher Ram, which is aimed at attracting attention to him, he disregarded the facts about the granting of the PGGS and set out to besmirch those involved in the Muri PGGS.

Ram, who is also a lawyer, should be interested in the facts, which he himself has disregarded and instead launched an attack on personalities and started spreading misinformation.

In several articles/opinions, Ram continued to repeat the same misinformation in a bid to generate his relevance in society to make up for a lack in his personal fulfilment. This blunder will only serve to further diminish his minuscule followers.

The facts on the process of granting the Muri PGGS has been repeated over and over, notwithstanding that Ram and the people within A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance For Change (AFC) have chosen to disregard the facts and made this like many other irrelevant issue a political one.

I am also made to understand that Ram, along with APNU and AFC, wants to waste the National Assembly’s time to discuss this Muri PGGS. This is one of the many reasons why this nation cannot progress. We are caught up with settling personal scores and irrelevant issues such as the PGGS, rather than being focused on real issues to transform this beloved and blessed country of ours.

We all have a role to play and we must recommit ourselves to nation building rather than focusing on petty issues raised by Ram and some members of APNU and AFC. Let us all recommit ourselves to a better Guyana.


Vivian Li (Mrs)


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