Let’s call a date for elections

Dear Editor,

Another eventful year has come to a close in Guyana. The naysayers and doomdayers have been running amok like flies looking for sores. At the same time, they have conveniently ignored all the developments in the country.

The mudraker and its reporters with their jaundiced eyes have not seen developments that many other Guyanese have enjoyed.

The prorogation of Parliament by the President was a very important decision in the field of politics. This, I strongly feel, is a judicious decision and the best of the options available to the President under the Constitution.

The Opposition was bent on passing a motion of No-Confidence on the Government and the President would have been foolish enough to allow them do that and create confusion and mayhem in the country.

There is also the fact that both APNU (Arrogant People Not Understanding) and the AFC (Always Feeling Confused) did not want to go into negotiations with the PPP (Progress and Perseverance Plentiful).

The learned DPP (Madame Shalimar Hack) also wisely ruled that the Attorney General did not threaten Glenn Lall and his staff. I listened to the tape ad did not find any evidence that a threat was made.

What was interesting was that Leonard Ghidarie’s parts in the conversation were deleted. What was Glenn Lall trying to hide? Who is to say that this conversation was not doctored?

Anything is possible with Lalloo. The veteran Berbice lawyer Murselene Bacchus, who claimed that he holds no brief for anyone also made the same observation, that is, there was no threat in the tape.

Christopher and Freddie Kisssoon, who are pandering to Lall, think otherwise with no concrete proof. Mr Bacchus exposed them for what they are – “loud mouths with no substance to back them up”.

Vishnu Bishram also wrote an interesting article, “No country wanted Freddie”, in which he pointed out the propensity of Freddie to attack whomever he thinks denied him opportunities.

This is a very malicious and vindictive attitude to not only have but publicly (whether subtle or obvious) demonstrate. Bisram is a very intelligent and articulate writer. Freddie is no match for him. What Freddie is good with is attacking people, not issues. This is not a characteristic of an academic.

When Henry Jeffrey chastised Nigel Hughes for his double standards in the Lusignan murder trial (not disclosing his relationship with the foreman of the jury), as well as he conflict of interest with being Company Secretary for Sithe Global for the Amelia Falls Hydro Electricity Project and being in a party (AFC) which voted against the same project, Freddie attacked Mr Jeffrey without dealing with the issues raised by the latter.

Is this the quality of an academic? Freddie is always going to be a stooge for people whom he benefits from. In the case of Hughes, he goes so far as to call Hughes “Man of the Year”. So much for paying back Hughes for the pro-bono work Hughes offered him in the Jagdeo/Kissoon libel trial.

Haseef Yusuf has also been courageously battling with the AFC Berbice grouping and exposing their double standards on an almost daily basis. So far no AFC member, including Ramjattan, has responded to the claims by Mr Yusuf.

Do these people in the AFC think that Berbicians and, by extension, Guyanese are that gullible? Keep up the fight Mr Yusuf.

I remember when the AFC Berbice “Bush Dacta” formed the “Bird Party” sometime in the late 90s, voters, especially in the Whim area, were offered free rum and tee-shirts to vote for his broken wing party.

This man who professes to be a psychologist was offering rum to voters knowing very well the great damage alcohol inflicts on those who imbibe it. I guess their thinking is that the end justifies the means. Yes, these people want to be in charge of this country!

Another letter writer, Balram Singh, also exposed the hyprocrisy of the AFC leaders in his letter, “AFC leadership embroiled in repeated controversy”.

His letter and that of Yusuf’s “The AFC has been focused on derailing development”, make for interesting reading. The ‘writing is on the wall’ for the AFC. Let us have the elections so that the PPP/C can win back their majority in Parliament!

Rakesh Singh

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