Lethem Airport set for major upgrade

Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson

Lethem has been earmarked as the next major transport hub in the country, and according to Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson, the money has already been allocated for the project.
Speaking at a public meeting at the Amerindian Hostel in Lethem, Region 9 on Friday evening, Minister Patterson said the facility will bear similarity to the Eugene Correia International Airport at Ogle.
“Four million U.S dollars [GYD $834M] has been allocated to bring Lethem up-to-standard” noted Minister Patterson.
The upgrade will include a new runway, new terminal and indoor facilities.
Minister Patterson says these developments are in keeping with what is required for an international hub, as the airport already caters to regular domestic and international flights on a daily basis.
“In a next month public consultation will start for this project,” said Min. Patterson.
The Public Infrastructure Minister joined Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carl Greenidge and Minister of Education, Dr. Nicolette Henry for a public meeting with residents of Lethem.
The ministers are part of the 19-member contingent of government ministers and officials on an outreach in the Region 9 over the weekend.

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