Let us step up the local tourism drive


Dear Editor,

I am fully in support of the views expressed by a letter writer in your newspaper captioned; “Local tourism must be pushed” which appeared a few days ago. The letter writer was very much on target and made a simple, but strong case for local tourism to be encouraged in Guyana.

Editor, it would not be unreasonable to say that quite a huge number of Guyanese have not really explored their own country. Perhaps the tourism authority would want to do a simple survey to find out how many Guyanese have actually gone on a trip to one of the tourist sites, such as the Kaieteur Falls or Baganara. I am sure that the results would show that not many of us have done so. And I do not believe that it is a case that Guyanese do not want to, but they are not given the kind of tour packages that would encourage them to undertake these adventures.

In fact some would even say that why spend so much money to see somewhere in Guyana and they can take the same money and buy a plane ticket to Trinidad or another Caribbean country. Our local tour operators need to step up their marketing and offer some good deals that would encourage persons to explore Guyana. Honeymooning couples always look for good deals and they end up going to other destinations as the packages are competitive. Give them reasons to be excited about their country and to explore here instead.

I have always expressed the view that sometime we try too much to target the foreign market and neglect our own people. I am not saying that we should not target foreigners, this of course should be among our main targets, but we must not exclude the locals, they too want to see and experience our beautiful country.

The letter writer referred to the fact that several international, regional and local media operatives were given a tour of the mighty Essequibo River. The fact that there was this expedition would result in the country getting some good publicity overseas. While this is good, I have to ask; was this ever done for the locals? I am not saying that such trips must be given freely, but I believe that it must be done in such a way that it is not too expensive, or exploitative.

The Ministry of Tourism, the Guyana Tourism Authority, and the corporate community can collaborate and offer these kinds of packages to the general citizenry. In essence, tourism in Guyana, for Guyanese should be emphasised. I agree with the letter writer, that such undertakings can combine entertainment, exploration and education. I hope that these points will be taken seriously.

Yours truly,

R Kailass


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