Let 2011 be a year of greater development

Dear Editor,

Let me take this opportunity to, first of all, wish you and your entire staff at Guyana Times International   a Happy New Year. May the new year bring each and every one of you great happiness, lots of prosperity and good health. Secondly, I wish to say thank you to you for publishing my letters over the year. It is good to know that Guyanese are given full freedom to express themselves and be voices of dissent. When newspapers allow us to do this, it brings much needed change in our society. 

Keep up the good work, and I trust that your newspaper continues to develop, improve, and grow in the new year. 

With that said, I would like to send a message to the politicians for the new year. We, the Guyanese people, would like to see more development in 2011. We want more roads, more street lights, and a higher quality of water. We definitely need a more reliable supply of electricity, as during the last year we were at the mercy of GPL. 

Guyanese are looking for courteous, efficient, and professional services in the new year from all entities that provide a service, and we are not prepared to accept mediocrity from any public servant, however high or low he or she is. 

As a country, we must look towards greater things and strive towards personal development. If we change some of our attitudes and old behaviours, then there is much hope for our country. 

Let 2011 be a better year for all of us. Let there be greater development and happiness for all Guyanese.

Yours truly,

Mona Sancharra

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