Lessons from the Ukraine conflict

Dear Editor,

Kindly allow me some space to share my views on the Ukraine situation and how it relates to Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago.

The conflict in Ukraine is about ethnic and hemispheric security which has moved past what is right and wrong. It is similar to what Indian people face when elected democratically in the Caribbean. Confronted by some Africans, they operate on the belief that Indians must only play a supporting political role.

Some in Trinidad and Guyana who reject the democratically elected government, cannot really believe that this time around, it will not have dire consequences similar to the Ukraine.

Unlike India, which turned a blind eye to the slaughter of the Tamil ethnic minority in Sri Lanka, Russia had no hesitation to actively protect its own.

Those advocates in Trinidad, Guyana and even Suriname who habitually ‘kick’ people around politically are certain to recognise the details unfolding in Ukraine which is splitting it apart.

Trinidad’s calypsonians and Indian creolised political writers in Guyana routinely advocate  and promote street riots to overthrow the elected government because they do not count on any backlash.

All Ukrainians are paying the price where politicians get power, but it’s the ordinary people who constantly pay the price and suffer. Unless the leadership of Guyana’s two major political parties become resolved to address and deal with our current problems all Guyanese are likely to similarly lose.

I repeat again for emphasis, since it will be easily forgotten: both Indians and blacks deserve their fair share. So do our minorities. But I will be prepared to take a lesser share, not speaking for others of course, so our less fortunate can get a little extra. It is important for us all to THINK before we ACT.


Vassan Ramracha


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