Leadership crisis looms in AFC as Trotman returns

Raphael Trotman

The Alliance For Change (AFC) party announced on Saturday that party leader Raphael Trotman is its new prime ministerial candidate, assuming that responsibility in wake of Sheila Holder’s health complications.

The decision was arrived at following a meeting of party executives. The only other nominee, Cathy Hughes, withdrew her nomination.

According to Trotman, his “clean bill of health” was a pivotal reason for his return to the campaign trail.

Previously, the co- founder of the AFC had stated that he would not be contesting another election.

“Last October, I was in a place where I had some medical concerns of my own. I have since had doctors here and abroad examine me, and again, perhaps miraculously, I have been given a clean bill of health,” Trotman said.

His time away, Trotman added, had allowed him to re-evaluate himself and the purpose of his being in politics.

“I now have some more time, and I’ve made things possible so that I can take up this appointment.”

Meanwhile, other important business commitments caused Cathy Hughes to withdraw her nomination. “As some of you know, I have had other business commitments, work commitments; and certainly I’m putting things in place so that I will be able to assist more.”

The AFC’s initial prime ministerial candidate, Sheila Holder, had withdrawn her election bid about two weeks ago after developing health problems. Holder has had to travel overseas for medical treatment. The AFC’s presidential candidate, Khemraj Ramjattan, is not revealing what illness has afflicted Holder, but he did say: “Mrs Holder is receiving medical attention. She is not in hospital, or bedridden, or anything like that.”

The newly-elected prime ministerial candidate Trotman believes it is his duty to carry on the work that holder has been unable to complete.

However, with the return of Trotman, a personality conflict between him and Ramjattan, and perhaps a deeper leadership crisis within the AFC, cannot be ruled out. Moreover, on more than one occasion, Ramjattan has been accused of being a “backbiter”.

Only recently, a U.S. cable from Georgetown to Washington strongly insinuated confirmation of a long-held suspicion that Ramjattan has been leaking information to the U.S Embassy in Georgetown.

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