Labourer dies after drinking carbon tablets instead of “wind tablets”

A 46-year-old labourer is now dead after he allegedly drank carbon tablets given to him by a friend on Sunday. The dead man has been identified as Gary Sulavan of Lot 4 Duncan Street, Kitty, Georgetown.
Based on information reaching the Guyana Times International, on the day in question, the now dead man left home around 11:00h and returned about 20:00h with a bottle of tablets which were supposed to be ‘Garlic Extra 1000mg’.
He however, consumed the tablets and around 22:00h soon after which he started to vomit and compliant of feeling unwell.
The man’s wife immediately contacted the ambulance service and took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was admitted but took his last breath at about 00:45h on Monday.
The bottle and contents were taken to the hospital by the deceased’s wife where it was discovered to be that of carbon tablets and not tablets for wind.
The man’s body is presently lying at the GPHC mortuary awaiting Post Mortem Examination.
The friend who had given the tablets to the man was arrested and is presently in Police custody assisting with investigations.

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