Kudos to Radio Guyana for quick action

Dear Editor,
I must bring to the public’s attention, something which caught my interest concerning the quick response of the media in the case of a missing person.
A few days ago, a relative of mine left home and travelled alone to Bartica, leaving family and friends behind in Georgetown. However, we did not hear from him after many days had passed.
We became worried, fearing for his life and ended up visiting various places for assistance. We were driving on Regent Street, Georgetown, when I heard a radio broadcast on Radio Guyana 89.5 FM greeting the people of Bartica. We immediately thought of sending a message on the station and so we called.
The long and short of it was that after sending the message on Radio Guyana 89.5 FM, we received a phone call from our relative. It is not every day someone goes missing and can be easily located, and I must commend the radio station for such a quick response.
Through this experience, I came face to face with the importance of radio, not just for music, but also for important public information. This goes to show that the radio can be used for other purposes instead of pure entertainment.
I immediately want to suggest having programmes which help educate our young people, giving regular health and safety tips, and starting a news programme.
I really must commend 89.5 FM for a job well done and hope that other radio stations and even television stations follow suit in such situations.

Yours faithfully,
Damian Rahaman

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