Kraftiy’s Alta Das takes paper craft to the next level

Alta Das has the ability to create masterpieces from something as simple as paper. She can turn a simple piece of paper into something that is unique, because she simply has the knack for creating. Her creativity knows no bounds and she is not afraid to share her masterpieces with the world.
Alta has always been a creative person and that was nurtured by her mother, who is a teacher. While growing up, she would observe her mother making creative teaching aids for her classroom and young Alta would be so intrigued. In her household, creativity was encouraged and she blossomed from there.
A few years ago, she embarked on what can be considered a life-changing venture. One that she had not planned. She started her own business – Kraftify.
Kraftify was started as a result of a project she had to complete while a Medical Technology student at the University of Guyana.
“A friend and I were in a group project at the university, and she and I made a large collage with different types of materials and some paper. We decided to put more paper work into it and we did some research and we came up with origami and quilling, and we put some of those in the project. I started to do background on paper craft, and she and I decided to come together and we started a craft business. We started to make some giant paper flowers, wall pieces, paper jewellery and different sort of paper craft.
“From there we tried lots of techniques before we started and eventually we decided to branch off. We went to various exhibitions and we grew. While she and I no longer work together, I still continued to do the business. It was tough because I had to start from scratch. I invested a lot of money.”
For Alta, one of the major challenges was sourcing the right materials and equipment to support her venture.
Now she is able to make a wide variety of pieces based on her clients’ requests. She makes wall pieces, jewellery, cards and a whole host of other items. So, for this holiday season personalise your gifts with something from Kraftify.

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