KN giving away free copies

Dear Editor,

They say “time longer than twine” so it had to happen sooner than later. I have lived to see the Kaieteur News itself admit that its circulation has dropped so low that it has resorted to giving it away free. It has been doing this to the vendors all across the country on the down low, but it is clear that this has not stopped the bleeding.

On Tuesday, it had to admit in muted headlines, “Rubis rewarding customers with free copy of Kaieteur News”. Seems that KN will now be hitting the independent outlets with “promotions” to get rid of its rejected editions. We wonder how much they are paying Rubis to bend its business ethics to give away one of the several dailies it sells at its gas stations.

KN is now caught in a bind. When the PPP was in office, its owner Glenn Mohan Lall’s hatred of Bharrat Jagdeo fuelled his naked and vitriolic attacks on the PPP, the PPP Government and anyone associated with the Government or its personnel.

All of this served to titillate the average Guyanese, who like most people, thrive on salacious gossip and sensational allegations. But with APNU and AFC, which Lall backed financially and otherwise, in Government, Lall has been forced to moderate his tones. And most of all, even though the Government has launched more than two dozen “audits” and “inquiries”, no dirt has been found, giving Lall and his paper nothing to sensationalise.

And we arrive at Lall forcing Rubis to give away Kaieteur News for free. This is what is called poetic justice.



Benjamin Persaud

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