Killing a cat

We all know about the Gy$21 billion the opposition hacked off the budget in their spiteful obsession to bring down the government. Their Founder Leader Burnham (and he’s that for the AFC also − don’t for a moment forget Trotman was spawned by the PNC) had ghoulishly advised that there were many ways to kill a cat. You could drown it, you could give it mange, you could slit its throat or you could strangle it: Burnham didn’t leave much to the imagination.
The opposition’s budget slashes were intended to strangle the government. The corruption allegations sounds like trying to give it mange − you know, making the government look all spotty and dirty. The ‘extra-parliamentary’ actions they’ve promised if Rohee isn’t fired will be the ‘slit-throat’ option. But in their mania to get their hands on executive power, the opposition seems to forget that the voters are carefully observing their hypocritical manoeuvres.
Take the budget cuts. Apart from lopping off programmes that would’ve improved the lot of very poor hinterland residents, the opposition specifically chopped funding for OP. That’s right! The individual, who is in charge of running Guyana’s government, shouldn’t have staff that would advise him in, for instance, governance! It wasn’t just pettiness but part of their grand strategy to bring the government on its knees by starving it of funds.
But what takes the cake is the whining last week by Opposition Leader Granger that the “Office of the Opposition Leader (OL)” is not being adequately funded. Can you believe this? They don’t think OP should be funded but OL − which has been put in place for the first time in the history of this country − must now receive increased funding!! So what about their protestations that Guyana is a poor country and must use its money judiciously?
Obviously this is of no concern when it has to do with spending on the opposition. But Granger let slip where he is coming from with this demand for increased spending on his office, while OP is being strangled. In addition to ‘holding the Executive accountable’ he must be funded to also “prepare the opposition to become an ‘alternative government’.”
So we the taxpayers of this country will be paying to ‘prepare’ say, Winston Felix, to learn the rudiments of communication (yes, “bannas”!) so that he may step into Rohee’s shoes? Oh judgement! Thou are fled to brutish breasts!!
Both opposition papers, the Muckraker and the Stabber News, allowed Lincoln Lewis to meander at length (at great length! More than half a page of newsprint!) to vent his rage against the government. Here’s a man who revels in the bully pulpit provided to him as “general secretary” of the TUC and yet does not a whit for that organisation. But can find time to mouth off (and that’s quite a big mouth, judging by the length of his letters!) at the drop of a hat on the opposition’s cause.
Last week, we leant that most of the members of the TUC aren’t paying their dues or have severed relations with that body. The TUC has become a deadbeat and can’t even pay its membership fees to the regional trade union umbrella body, the CCL. Yet this windbag Lincoln Lewis has the chutzpah to lecture the government about taking care of its ‘responsibilities’! Has he no shame?
Anyhow Lewis, along with the rest of the opposition, is besides himself about CoP (ag) Brumell’s  signalling his appreciation of the work of Minister Rohee at the helm of the Ministry of Home Affairs! Lewis should be the last man on earth to talk about “professionalism”.
More spite
Rohee isn’t the only person the opposition’s obsessed about. Their Stabber rag weighed in with one of their patented full-page editorials backing the Opposition’s vindictive move against former President Jagdeo’s pension package. Their nature is to destroy, never build.

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