Khemraj “bargaining” and Amna and Felix is VP!

De race is on in de USA as Mitt Romney look fuh a vice presidential (VP) candidate fuh de upcoming elections there. Plenty speculations going on as de media tout some fuh de position. De set that get touting very vocal and always present in de media, but using de opportunities fuh deny that dem want de job. Experts seh is normal fuh people who really want de job fuh deny it so dem don’t “upstage” de presidential candidate before he mek he decision. But de real story is that dem want it bad! People does call it “reverse psychology!” Khemraj alleged that government might try fuh buy Opposition Members of Parliament (MP). People get de belief that he suffering from de same “reverse psychology” by trying fuh tout he self!

Some believe it could be a case of Khemraj “practising” fuh put up he hands fuh a auction he dreaming fuh happen! De Cup party lash back and seh that Khemraj only looking fuh “grab headlines”.

Some see similarities when he allegedly try fuh “grab” a house belonging to a couple. Dem seh that wasn’t “reverse psychology”, but “forward tek-all-oghy!” Khemraj is not alone in trying fuh grab headlines. Is de whole opposition trying fuh do so during de budget debate since dem teking a good licking from government MPs. De licks suh much that David complain to he “hand pick” Speaker about reports coming out from de government side.

De reports showing facts, highlighting progress, and exposing de opposition lies!

Fuh try and stop de licks, de opposition MPs interrupting when government MPs talking. Priya “rain” so much blows that Amna couldn’t tek it. She and she opposition colleagues create a ruckus causing de Speaker fuh “manners” Amna and suspend de sitting! Even Felix “tune” in. Clement remind he fuh return de radio! People seh while Khemraj probably looking fuh a “bargain”, Anma and Felix fighting fuh be de opposition VP – Vociferous Provocateur! Even though dem doing it, dem trying fuh deny it while basking in de media! Ting-a-ling-a-ling…Friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!

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