Kennard Memorial Turf Club- Where horse racing gets exciting

Many exciting races have been held at the Kennard Memorial Turf Club at Bush Lot Farm on the Corentyne Coast in Region 6

Horse racing fanatics know the only place to be for exciting horse racing is at the Kennard Memorial Turf Club. Started in the early 1930s, apart from the Port Mourant Race Track, it is the oldest surviving race course in the country.

In a recent interview, Justice Cecil Kennard, former Chancellor of the Judiciary, current Chairman of the Police Complaints Authority and Honorary Club President, stated that the Club was named after his late father. He remembered that in 1955 the entity was almost bankrupt, and that was when former club President Deo Kharag (now deceased), entered the picture and returned the Club to its former glory. (Photos by R.K. Drepaul)

Kennard's Memorial Turf Club
Crowd at Kennard's Memorial Turf Club race meet

An exciting horse race on the Club's track

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