Keep up the fight against domestic violence

Dear Editor,
I always say that people must do what little they can and when they can. I may never be able to change the world, but I can help bring cheers to many lives by doing and being good, as much as I can. This is the idea in my mind when I read that the U. S. embassy’s Humanitarian Assistance Programme (HAP) donated a 32-watt generator to the Domestic Violence Counselling Centre (DVCC) in Region Six. This may be a ‘little and without fanfare’ gesture, but it will go a long way in helping out. This donation is the latest in a series of activities, undertaken by the U. S. embassy to support efforts to combat domestic violence in Guyana , and I have noticed that there “… has been (a) stirring up a lot of interest… (where the US embassy is concerned).
During the handing-over ceremony, HAP Team Director Marcus Reeder addressed guests and emphasised U. S. support for community organisations, that seek to improve the lives of Guyanese citizens, in the face of domestic violence.
Then DVCC Director Dr Vishalya Scharma noted that domestic violence has been on the rise in Guyana for the past several years and stressed the need for a response. The same theme came out in the remarks of Region Six Chairman David Armogan, who expounded on the importance of having a domestic violence centre.
This is what I like – the voices must come forward and fight this ‘sore of the nation’. The centre on the whole aims to deal with spousal abuse intervention and suicide prevention, and to provide overall counselling to victims. The centre is in the initial stages of operation and the donation of the generator is most handy.
I have to commend the many anti-abusing zealots of Guyana. We really need them. I know of an abused woman who is trapped in a terrible plight. She thinks that is okay to be beaten up and even given a few slices (dead serious I am). I heard that her abuser would literally kick her. No one so far has come to her rescue. I agree that she is most compliant, and would even defend this beastly behaviour, and that is because she has been conditioned and damaged by Mr. Bully-Coward.. How about this matter? This is for some ‘voices’ to intercept this kind of wrong.
A male feminist!
Richard O’Brian

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