Keep the duck curry competition going

Dear Editor,

The King’s Jewellery World Clash of the Past Champions Duck Curry Competition was long anticipated by many. It is unfortunate that the event was not broadcast live, but nevertheless I must commend the organisers and sponsors for ensuring a successful event.

The competition comprised participants from many countries including Guyana, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago.

Patrons came out in large numbers to support and witness the competition.

Additionally, I must congratulate the Surinamese team for claiming this year’s title. Praise must also be given to the other teams who managed to perform exceedingly well at the competition.

The curry cuisine is a universal dish that often comprises spiced meat.

Aside from the different spices, curry powder is the key ingredient that is used to flavour the dish. This Asian oriented meal can be eaten with rice, roti, bread and even biscuits.

Many people have different ways of making curry meals and it is for this reason that a competition was thought of. The competition allowed for a variety of curry dishes to be prepared.

The actual spiciness and gravy content of the curry can be altered depending on how individuals prefer it.

Some people prefer their curry spicy, while others like it mild. “Surwah”, is a Creolese term that refers to the gravy content of the dish and some people indeed prefer a watery curry dish, while others prefer it dry, primarily if it’s being accompanied with dhal.

Curry is a fantastic dish that sometimes requires a special touch in preparing it. Many say that the art behind a good tasting curry is the way in which one would “chunkay” the ingredients before actually adding the meat to the pot. Curry has always been and will continue to be a favourite dish for many worldwide.

Congratulations to King’s Jewellery World and all the supporting sponsors.

Keep this duck curry competition going.


Azeema Zabeeda Haniff


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