Kaieteur News peddling distortions about radio, TV licences

Dear Editor,
The culprits in the opposition who raped our country’s treasury for 28 long years, while denying us the opportunity to access information freely, has once again expressed serious double standards in their bid to grab political power at all costs. Were it not they who advocated for the breaking of the monopoly in radio? Were it not they who wanted more private sector businessmen to invest their monies in the sector, which has been admirably liberalised? Were it not they who gave lip service to the creation of a free and fair media in Guyana? I am perturbed by the distortions being peddled by the Kaieteur News and the joint opposition regarding the television and radio frequencies which the Queens Atlantic Investment Inc (QAII) now owns.
Further, the attempts by that so-called newspaper to link this ownership to former president Bharrat Jagdeo, has left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Information publicly available would show that it was Vieira Communications Limited which acquired the frequencies and licence to broadcast and transmit before People’s Progressive Party/ Civic or Jagdeo came to power. As a matter of fact, that company was owned by People’s National Congress/ Reform Member of Parliament Anthony Vieira, who resigned from the party several years ago.
It was Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop, chief executive officer of QAII, who then bailed Vieira out through legitimate means by purchasing what was in my considered opinion, a financially failing media company.
A Kaieteur News editorial published on March 16 on the same issue is also laughable and reeks of subjectivism.
The fact of a matter is that incorporated businesses are legal bodies that have a life of their own. The shares in such entities can be bought and sold by individuals, but the company continues with all its rights and obligations.
It was as a result of this corporate reality that Dr Ramroop received the television and radio licences as property of Vieira Communications.
The vindictive, malicious and corroborated attacks against this entrepreneur, who is making a valuable and legitimate contribution to Guyana’s development, must be stopped and condemned by all right-thinking businessmen. Why has the Private Sector Commission been so silent? Glenn Lall’s obsession with Jagdeo should be criminal, but, of course, sometimes when those we admire or aspire to follow reject us, we become bitter and embedded with hatred.
Might this be the case with Lall and the principals of Kaieteur News?
Yours respectfully,
James Arden

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