Jury empaneled for 2013 Port Kaituma murder trial

A 12-member jury was empanelled before Justice James Bovell-Drakes at the High Court in Georgetown on Monday to hear the trial of Vigilance, East Coast Demerara resident Michael Britton, who is accused of murdering miner Refford Williams at 10 Miles Backdam, Port Kaituma, in the North-West District.

Murder accused: Michael Britton

It was contended that Britton, also called “Rasta Man”, used a piece of metal pipe to carry out the gruesome act on July 25, 2013.
However, when finally given the chance to respond to the State’s accusation, four years after the crime was committed, Britton entered a plea of not guilty in a barely audible tone. Williams, who was also known as “Kamarang”, met his demise by way of blunt trauma in addition to a ruptured spleen. Reports back then were that after an intense argument between the two miners, Britton retrieved the metal pipe which he used to inflict injuries on Williams.
The accused is being represented by defence counsel Ronald Burch-Smith while State Counsel Mandel Moore is leading the State’s case. The matter was adjourned to this morning (Tuesday) when the first set of witnesses will begin testifying before the jury.

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