Journalists must be allowed to do their job fearlessly

Dear Editor,

At an international level, reporters are taking the necessary precautions to keep their sources from becoming causalities in ongoing political wars. Many government sources resort to one on one meetings rather than phone calls and emails.

It has been evident in Guyana’s media outlets that some journalists function in fear of what malicious individuals are capable of. Forefront criminal activities associated with those who spend their time chastising the government has given reporters a legitimate reason to fear.

Just recently, after exposing anti-government forces, a few reporters proceeded to send in their resignations.

The Independent Media Workers Association of Guyana (IMAG) has come forth and expressed legitimate concern over the fear-inspired resignations.

IMAG embraces the view that expressions of fear in the execution of professional journalistic duties are troubling developments in the Guyana media landscape.

This is quite unfortunate considering that the only time Guyana endured such a conflict was during pre 1992, when the country was under the regime of the People’s National Congress (PNC).

As of late, government seems to hold no significance for some. Journalism has been reduced to a battlefield of name calling and fabrication and any truthful source of exposure quickly resorts to some form of intimidation by the accused.

One reporter, cited fear as her reason for resigning. Her resignation has been linked to the series of probed articles about the owner/ publisher of a major newspaper in Guyana. The young journalist and news anchor was fearful reporting on matters concerning the publisher  – her own email said so. She felt that any means of exposing him or calling upon him to offer explanations would have life threatening repercussions.

I strongly support journalists and the confidentiality that they deserve. They have an obligation to society, and as such they ought to be able to live and function without any fear of consequences at the hands of any one they write or speak about.

These young professionals should be able to undertake their jobs fearlessly.

Sincerely, Faye- Anne Harris


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