Joseph Hamilton is an example of how people should behave when they have convictions about issues

Dear Editor,

I commend former senior PNCR member, Joseph Hamilton, for being “big” enough to follow his heart.

I think he is an example of how people should behave when they have convictions about issues. Also, it shows that it is never too late to change. Too many times, people suffer because of pride, and also because they think that they would be criticised. The same holds true for religious beliefs too. Some people think it is a crime to “switch”, even though when asked why they believe in a faith, they have no personal reason. They come up with answers such as tradition, family, history etc.

Things like politics and religion must be personal, and in this regard, Joseph Hamilton must be admired.

The second thing about this change of heart, manifested by Hamilton, is that it is not a sentimental one. The now former PNCR member explained that his move is based on the PPP/C’s programmes and its presidential candidate, Donald Ramotar. All of this came out at the Albion rally, which launched the PPP/C’s 2011 election campaign.

Hamilton was actually on the platform, and he spoke out against race based politics, which is a key motif of his new party.

Editor, I consider this turn around by Hamilton to be quite genuine. It is really not a surprise. It is also not an opportunistic move. I remember his withdrawing from the PNCR party in 2008, following a showdown between the Vincent Alexander-led wing (of which he was a part) and that of another group, led by present party leader, Robert Corbin. So the impression I am getting is that Hamilton just cannot tolerate personal selfishness and division. In fact, that nasty but revealing showdown led to the axing of PNCR-1G, MP Joseph McAllister, at which point Hamilton and others withdrew from the party and called for a new political culture. Well, Hamilton is not only getting a new political culture, bit I dare say the right one.

In closing, I pay homage to the PPP/C leaders for their magnanimity and their maturity. They have shown that they have what it takes to unite Guyana.

Truly yours,

Louis Kilkenny

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