JOPP coalition to be launched this week

The Joint Opposition Political Parties (JOPP) is set to launch its coalition on Friday. Its features are an agreed presidential candidate, one manifesto, one symbol, and one campaign.

David Granger

Guyana Times International understands that the name of the coalition and its symbol, among other things, have already been finalized, and the grouping of five political parties is just waiting to reveal these on Friday.

Dr Rupert Roopnarain, Leader of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), a participating member of the JOPP, has said that the grouping has so far decided on a ‘leadership core team’. In wake of reports that he would be the prime ministerial candidate running alongside PNCR’s David Granger, Dr Roopnarain disclosed that this has not yet been decided. Meanwhile, the almost defunct Guyana Republican Party on Sunday endorsed Peter Ramsaroop of the Guyana Peoples Partnership as its choice for prime ministerial candidate for the coalition. “The GRP strongly believes that the JOPP will best be served, both at the polls and in government, with Peter Ramsaroop as its prime minister… the GRP is ready to put its weight behind the efforts of the GPP in accomplishing its set goals and ideas for the advancement of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana,” a statement from Leslie Prince, leader of that party, has said.

He stands by the GPP’s vision for Guyana, which, according to the statement, matches that of the GRP. “We, the GRP, wish to reassure the incoming administration of our full support in mustering the investors and developers for the abovementioned projects’ implementation.”

Dr Rupert Roopnarain

The JOPP is thus far comprised of the PNCR, WPA, the Guyana Action Party (GAP), National Front Alliance (NFA) and, most recently, the GPP. In an earlier interview with Guyana Times International, Granger opined that once this coalition is launched, Guyanese would join the ‘bandwagon’.

As recently as Saturday, JOPP members were engaged in a campaign management training programme gearing up for the elections.

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