Jokes of de week

These days it look like everybody blamin somebody fuh sum ting, and no body ain’t tekkin blame fuh any ting. De opposition always blamin de guvament and de guvament always blamin de opposition. From de budget cuts, to the bills that not gettin pass in Parliament, to de bills that de prezzi not signin, to de local guvament elections, de blame game just keep goin on.
So de guvament and de opposition should start sayin “believe it or leave it” before either of dem seh any ting to de public and to de media. Or dem should start playin one fuh- one wid one another – blame me this week and I gon blame yuh next week.
Now Rum Jhaat seh he want more “teeth” to de laws in Guyana on financial crimes and he blame de guvament fuh refusin to accept de recommendations from a financial expert. Well, judgin from all dem teeth that Rum Jhaat does be showin when he talkin, all he got to do is give de laws some of he teeth.
A new report seh that, in all, they have 140,000 Guyanese livin in New York City. But a local newspaper man seh that figure could never be right, because he alone send more than that back track to New York, and dem never come back.
And de biggest joke of de week is that Freddie Kissmansoon write in de Kocheur News and seh he friken to be out after 21: 00h. Well in de first place if de Man Kisser come out after dark, it gon be hard fuh people see he. And, secondly, if people see he, is dem who gon friken!
Ting-a-ling-a-ling… friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie! And look out this week fuh de biggest joker in town, de mayor fuh life Green Ham, who want to collect money from de guvament to pay off he wife taxes!

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