Jokes of de week

Some people does live dem lives in peace and wait till other people praise dem. Others does like to praise dem own selves. I never expect that Baddamn was into this self praisin business.
I thought Baddamn woulda leave that fuh Mook Lall. Since nobody does praise de Mook, he does want fuh praise heself all de time, and then tell he staff fuh praise he too. It must be that de pressure from de Mook to write so much lies and misinformation finally get to Baddamn.
Baddamn had de guts to seh that he don’t like confrontation. Well, I know Baddamn does mek people laugh sometimes, but this one was a real good joke.
All through Baddamn life he help de PEE NC rig elections, write lies at de Chronicle and No News Nation, talk lies at de Slime News, write more lies at de Kocheur, and join a protest fuh de Mook who can’t get a radio and TV licence because he got a “sketchy” past.
Another joke of de week was wid Kydney Allcock who cock de people in de Rupununi and then turn he back and bad talk dem. I thought was only de Mook had that kinda ability to turn he back pun people, or fuh people.
Now everybody callin fuh Allcock to apologise and to stop cocking dem. De Rupununi people even protest when de FLAPNU people turn up to talk bout de budget and chase dem way. Now Green Jah don’t know what to do wid Allcock since he cock up de whole party.
Soon, nobody from FLAPNU gon sit down next to Allcock in Parliament, because dem gon friken Allcock cock dem too.
Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! The other joke(r) of de week was Freddie de Man Kisser who seh that Guyana got plenty secrets. Indeed that is true, because de Man Kisser still ain’t tellin people how he manage fuh carry way dem books in Canada and from de UG library!

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