Joker of de year

Whenever one year come to a end, it does be a good ting fuh plenty people. De beginnin of de new year does also be a good time fuh plenty people. Dem does mek plenty resolutions and try to fuhget de wrong tings whah dem do in the old year. Some people does just play like dem fuhget whah dem do.

Some of dem does even go to church and promise God and de pastor. Others does promise dem wife or husband all de tings whah dem want to hear. No more cheatin and no more misbehavin fuh de new year is a big one. Boy friend does promise gyal friend too, or vice versa.

People does even plan to stop smokin, or stop drinking, or stop thiefin and so on. Then dem does start to party and fuhget every ting whah dem plan to do. And de new year does gone de same way all over again from de very first day.

Of course dem boys who does wear boy clothes to fool people does mek promises to dem boy friends. One of de promise is a lotta new tings to try wid new people in de new year. Another word fuh that is freshie.

Dem boys already recruit people from plenty media house and from in and out de House. Dem got people who call dem self financial analysts and people who call dem self lawyers. Some call dem selves both. One is a mayor-fuh-life. Although he is not a freshie any more, dem boys don’t discriminate wid age.

De main requirement is that yuh must know how to talk like a boy and look like a boy, although yuh is not a boy. De stumpy man wid de squeaky voice pun Voice of de People don pass de test and ready fuh samplin.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie!  People like de Mook does wait till de whole year done to talk piece of dem mind. Who woulda tink that de Mook wanna become a prezzie? That gotta be de joke(r) of de year!


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