Joey ‘seriously considering’ returning to the PPP

– says Ramotar is the best person for the job

Former PPP Member of Parliament (MP) and son of the late Dr Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan, Dr Cheddi “Joey” Jagan on Monday said he is considering endorsing the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) for this year’s elections.

At an emergency press briefing at Freedom House late Monday afternoon, Dr Jagan, a dentist by profession, said: “I am just here to announce to the Guyanese public that after being in the opposition ranks for a while, and observing the opposition at play, I have decided to strongly consider Mr Ramotar and the PPP to help them out and work with them. I am strongly considering an endorsement and that is what I am here for; to tell the public that that is my position.”

Dr Jagan, who is the cofounder of the Unity Party of Guyana, told the media that his move to divert his support from the opposition parties is as a result of the magnitude of disunity that exists there. “Well, I have been out there and I find that there has been disunity in the opposition is one thing, the disorganisation in finding unity; number two, in a lot of ways I guess I am probably going home; and number three also Mr Ramotar to me presents a new effort on the PPP’s behalf …,” he said.

Jagan said he believes that Ramotar is the best person for the job and as such, is strongly considering supporting the presidential hopeful.

“I think Mr Ramotar is a man of honour and not a corrupt man, and I think he means to bring change to this country and change is what we need. I fought for change over and over; and if Mr Ramotar can bring change with the resources he has in his hands with a victory, then maybe that would help the country,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Jagan noted that his primary focus is to ensure that his father’s legacy is continued. “It is my father’s party, and it is his legacy is what I am concerned about.” He said his change of heart also stems from the fact that he believes the country needs change and that change can be brought by Ramotar. When asked the role he intends to play in the party should it be elected once again, he said: “I am not looking for anything. I am concerned with the welfare of the Guyanese people – that my father’s work continues; I have pushed that repeatedly and my father had a vision for this country and the working people of this country and I feel that if I find the need to fully endorse Mr Ramotar, then that is what I will do.”

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