Jenny “shaking” and Clement “kicking!”

Recently, plenty people complaining. Khemraj complain that de budget too big. Lindeners complain that dem light bill gon get “heavy”. Public servants complain that Khemraj want cut dem jobs. He then complain that David ain’t support he. David complain that de GINA reporting too one-sided. Some of David people complain he “selling out” and de “mukracker” just complaining! And that is just lil bit. De AFC complaining that de government gat “fat cats”. Government denying it and seh dem ain’t employ nobody name “Garfield!” By meking complain, people seh de AFC implying that it gat “skinny cats” and if others is to judge de country by that, it means things bad!

But everybody know that things ain’t bad. People sehin de “fats cats” in de AFC and dem can’t deny it! AFC – All Fat Cats! People seh de name implicit! Protestors-in-Chief, Mark and Freddie complaining how Jenny disrespect dem by “shaking” dem off! People want fuh know if de two in dem right senses, since yuh don’t complain about such “shakes!” Just like how dem upset, some officers complaining that Clement threatening fuh “kick” where de sun don’t shine as he get tougher on crime!

Seeing that Felix and he comrades on that side of de House always complaining that enough is not being done fuh fight crime, he gon be forced to support Clement when he start “kicking!” People hoping that it start soon and since de statement, dem cheering Clement on. Dem even calling he “Jet Li!” Apparently, Felix ain’t too happy that he gat fuh tell de ranks that use to wuk fuh he, that he openly support Clement! De only thing Felix happy about is that he no longer in de force so he is not a “candidate” fuh Clement “kicking!” But de two of dem can’t avoid each other, because Felix is Clement “shadow” in de House! Felix hoping that Clement don’t learn de art of “shadow boxing”! Then he might tek umbrage and complain about Clement and might want “kick” back! Look out fuh a local Guyanese-Chinese movie, “Crouching Clement, Frantic Felix!” Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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