Jaya’s ‘house cleaning’ and WWD!

World Water Day (WWD) was last week and de relevant monitoring body seh it gon be investigating complaints against some who producing and selling “potable” water. Since some frighten fuh drink what coming through de taps, dem buying water that trucks driving around selling. Plenty lil “plants” spring up all over providing a “truck to kitchen- counter service” fuh residents. Is good business.
Now, people complaining about de quality of some of de ‘quality’ water dem buying! De sellers using de same style of bottles with some using other people labels pun dem own.
So customers getting ‘hoodwink’ twice – with de label and de quality! Even though de water clear like Red Jet present schedule, de analyst people seh it gat things that de eyes can’t see that could be consider unhealthy. People find out eventually following de irregularity of some basic ‘biological functions’! It gat others who ain’t know and who ain’t want fuh know, because fuh them, what dem can’t see, can’t hurt!
Believe it or leave it; de tap water probably safer than some despite de colour! So de boss lady there moving fuh have de water ‘plants’ checked fuh mek sure dem safe. While she trying fuh clean that up, another lady gat lil ‘cleaning’ fuh do too. Jaya heading to GECOM as a Commissioner.
She wuk might be lil more ‘hard’ than expected seeing is de first time a lady gon be in there. Everybody know what does happen to a house in which a lady’s touch does be missing! Congrats and good luck Jaya. Congrats also to de Cup party fuh putting de first woman on de Commission. Would de Palm Tree party do likewise now that Robert seat vacant? That aside, Jaya don’t mek de men let you do all de wuk now that a lady there. Some men love fuh do that. If dem try that, give dem water fuh drink without telling dem de source. That should scare and mek dem GE-GONE… am… be gone! Let dem know about WWD – “Women Working Determinedly!” Ting-aling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!
World Water Day (WWD) was last week and de relevant monitoring body seh it gon be investigating complaints against some who producing and selling “potable” water. Since some frighten fuh drink what coming through de taps, dem buying water that trucks driving around selling. Plenty lil “plants” spring up all over providing a “truck to kitchen- counter service” fuh residents. Is good business.Now, people complaining about de quality of some of de ‘quality’ water dem buying! De sellers using de same style of bottles with some using other people labels pun dem own.So customers getting ‘hoodwink’ twice – with de label and de quality! Even though de water clear like Red Jet present schedule, de analyst people seh it gat things that de eyes can’t see that could be consider unhealthy. People find out eventually following de irregularity of some basic ‘biological functions’! It gat others who ain’t know and who ain’t want fuh know, because fuh them, what dem can’t see, can’t hurt! Believe it or leave it; de tap water probably safer than some despite de colour! So de boss lady there moving fuh have de water ‘plants’ checked fuh mek sure dem safe. While she trying fuh clean that up, another lady gat lil ‘cleaning’ fuh do too. Jaya heading to GECOM as a Commissioner.She wuk might be lil more ‘hard’ than expected seeing is de first time a lady gon be in there. Everybody know what does happen to a house in which a lady’s touch does be missing! Congrats and good luck Jaya. Congrats also to de Cup party fuh putting de first woman on de Commission. Would de Palm Tree party do likewise now that Robert seat vacant? That aside, Jaya don’t mek de men let you do all de wuk now that a lady there. Some men love fuh do that. If dem try that, give dem water fuh drink without telling dem de source. That should scare and mek dem GE-GONE… am… be gone! Let dem know about WWD – “Women Working Determinedly!” Ting-aling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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