Jaundiced views…

…on “national unity”

It’s been 4 months since the election. In that time one of the most partisan agendas in the history of this country was launched – but suddenly “national unity” is in the air! What’s this? The “stick and the carrot” approach? For sure there’s been a whole lotta “sticks” – in and out of Parliament. In Parliament the law’s been amended to have the Government retake leadership of the Committees they’d awarded to themselves when THEY were the Opposition. The PPPC Opposition is now expected to become a “rubber stamp”.

Out of Parliament, to stymie the PPPC from having the influence it earned by winning 7 out of 10 regions, the Government’s gone back on its sanctimonious rhetoric of “non-politicisation” of bureaucratic appointments. It excused its selection of political REO’s by baptising them “quasi political”. There’s been wholesale firings at all levels of Government of persons that are arbitrarily defined as “PPP”.

And now comes the “national unity” spiel – announced by Moses Nagamootoo, who’d walked out of the PPP because he didn’t get their Presidential Candidate nod. Which position, he maintained had been promised to him by Cheddi Jagan at a public meeting in the Rupununi. None of the dozens of persons also present heard the promise but that small detail never deterred Nagamootoo. So when Ramotar, who was his senior as General Secretary of the party was selected, he defected to the AFC. He sulked that the departing Predident Jagdeo didn’t pick him – ignoring that none of his erstwhile comrades could stand his empty bombast, and gave him the thumbs down.

One of them was Ralph Ramkarran – who’d later stage his own disappearing act. So this week Ramkarran visits the issue of “national unity” and makes the claim that when Jagdeo said back in 2003 he was interested in national unity with the PNC, but that “trust” was needed, “This of course was a hoax, merely designed to placate the diplomatic community” that was pressuring Jagdeo.

The question that arises, of course, is how does Ramkarran know the PNC-led APNU isn’t now “placating” the diplomatic community? But more importantly what’s happened since 2003 to show that Jagdeo wasn’t spot on to demand the need for “trust”? Slow fyaah…mo fyaah? The Buxton Uprisings? The “Bannuhs heading them off” on tape? The hogging of all power in Parliament? The ongoing witch hunt?

Ramphal – a man who was there and should know – said that “national unity” was achieved in 1964 between PNC and UF. We know the size of the shaft the UF got then. Not nearly what the AFC’s getting in this incarnation of “national unity”.

Ramkarran shouldn’t need a lamp to see in broad daylight.

…on media freedom

This fella Nagamootoo just doesn’t know when to chuck-in his hand. That’s an occupational hazard for folks with small egos (among other appurtenances) who feel that to admit they’re wrong or misguided or just plain stupid, would be infra dig. As if their empty posturings give them any dignity!

Take Nagamootoo on the issue of Press Freedom. The Stabber – which by no stretch of the imagination can be said to be unfriendly to his Government – really skinned him up. They showed how when in Opposition, they viciously went after the PPP for “controlling” the state media in particular and wanting to do the same for the media, in general. And oleaginously simpered as to how they wouldn’t even HINT to the state media as to what they could carry.

So when the Stabber asked politely as to why his volte face, he snapped “No comment!!”

No comment on the virtues of a free press from the Czar of Information?

…of school names

The head of the Burnham Foundation wants to rename Presidents College – the “Burnham Learned Community President’s College.”

When Burnham put his face on exercise books, Rodney said it scared schoolchildren from their schoolwork.

Does Alexander want to destroy what’s left of Presidents College?

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