Jagdeo warns ‘cyber provocateurs’

The People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) on Wednesday announced that it has withdrawn its request for a recount of ballots, the party’s presidential candidate Donald Ramotar told a news conference later that day.

He said the withdrawal was influenced by GECOM’s utterances that the recount would cause further delays in the declaration of the results.

“I know some people were quite wrongly saying that our challenges to the ballots were an attempt to hold up the elections process. I want to assure you that that is not so, because the number of boxes that we have objected to is very, very small, in relation to the boxes that we have here. However, even though I have concerns about the boxes, I have instructed that we withdraw the recount request , so that GECOM can have the opportunity to bring in the results of the elections as early as possible,” he stated.


President Bharrat Jagdeo, at a media conference later in the afternoon at State House, said his party was disappointed by the slothfulness of the process.

According to the outgoing president, the delay has allowed the other contesting parties to make excuses after realising that they have lost the elections.

“I have seen several text messages; they even came to my phone, from APNU saying; one, that they won the elections; two, that Surujbally is working out a deal with the PPP or he’s rigging the elections on our behalf; three, that they found ballot boxes in Vreed-en-Hoop; four, that there are ballot boxes somewhere in Georgetown, all frauds, and then the conclusion that we need to come out in large numbers and hit the streets.” He said action will be taken against all persons who attempt to incite violence.

“Whether it’s media, whether it’s the websites, whether it’s sending people text messages, or whether it’s party/public officials, we will write the United Nations to ask for a total investigation of any violence that takes place and to go after the people who are sending the text messages …,” he remarked.

He said that documentation of the incitement will be made by a special team. “This time around, we’re going to make an example of anyone who tries to perpetuate violence against any citizen, if a single person is hurt in the street, because it’s time we put this nonsense behind us,” the president said.

Jagdeo also urged A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to calm its supporters, noting that violence is not the answer to their issues, while giving kudos to GECOM for conducting good elections thus far.

Both the AFC and the APNU have refused to participate in the recounting of ballots in Regions Three, Four and 10.

The APNU said the call for a recount by the PPP/C was another attempt by the party to stall the announcement of the results.

At a press conference held at Congress Place, Sophia on Tuesday evening, APNU’s election agent and campaign manager Joseph Harmon explained that APNU will not participate in a recount because the party had “no confidence that the integrity of the ballot boxes has not been compromised since the end of the official count”.

APNU presidential candidate David Granger said that the PPP did not give specific grounds for the recall. He said: “If the process follows the legitimate path, yes we will accept the results”.

The party said it has been exercising patience and restraint in the face of demands from its supporters to be calm and to keep the peace.

The Alliance For Change had objected to the recount, noting that they have not been provided with just cause for the recounts. “The AFC further expresses grave concern about the inadequacy of information pertaining to the recount process and the total absence of grounds on which these recounts have been requested.”

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