Jagdeo says oil agreement with T&T lopsided

…Govt maintains claims of ‘sell out’ unjustified

The recent Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Governments of Guyana and Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) has been dubbed a ‘sell out’ by Opposition Leader Dr Bharrat Jagdeo who was critical of the document that was released to the public following the signing at State House on Wednesday afternoon.
Addressing media operatives at his weekly press briefing, Jagdeo said the agreement is lopsided and does not take into account issues that affect Guyana and Guyanese as a whole.
While reiterating that he is a big supporter of regional integration and the single market and economy, Jagdeo, a former President, said that Guyana is also a sovereign state and should stand up for itself when it comes to issues affecting the country.
The Opposition Leader does not feel the excuse given by Trinidad and Tobago about the restriction on Guyana’s honey is reasonable as it affects the local private sector.
Moreover, he said that while the MoU is centered towards Energy sector cooperation, he noted that other pertinent issues such as treatment of Guyanese passing through Trinidad and Tobago, among others.
Particular concern was raised with regards to the fact that the MoU proposes the setting up of a technical work group between the two countries, when there is none in Guyana.
“These issues have to be on the agenda too. So, when Government goes to negotiation they have to look out for our interest too. So, I would say yes, it was a sell out!”Jagdeo said.

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