Jagdeo remains popular, but doesn’t want a third term

Dear Editor,

The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has taken note of the challenge filed in the High Court against the two-term Presidential tenure as provided for in the Constitution of Guyana.

What is of interest is the timing at which this challenge is being raised and by whom.

Guyana is on the cusp of General and Regional Elections.  Many challenges lie ahead, the most important being to ensure that the elections are free and fair.

Clearly, this new development is an attempt to throw a spanner in the works.

The sponsors of the legal challenge appear to have a hidden agenda in the real sense of the term other than invoking or blocking the ‘boogie’ of a third term for former President Bharrat Jagdeo.

The interest of those behind the challenge lies in the darkest and deepest crevices of a democracy comparable to the galleries of ‘Hades’.

The Party wishes to state unequivocally that Mr Jagdeo has publicly affirmed  time and again his respect for the Constitution and that he has no interest whatsoever in any so called third term Presidency.

It has now become  obvious that Mr Jagdeo’s assertions fell on deaf ears  and that his expression of disinterest in returning to the Presidency notwithstanding, the  modern-day ‘quislings’ working in close collaboration with the local satraps  continue to generate and peddle this absolute nonsense, elevating it to useless legalistic twaddle.

Since 2011, Mr Jagdeo made clear his disinterest in this matter within the Party and beyond.

The Party wishes to state that while Mr Jagdeo remains a highly popular figure within and beyond the membership and supporters of the PPP/C, this popularity is in no way intended to be translated into a third term candidacy.

The PPP/C is aware of the fact that many of its members and supporters hold the former President in high esteem and would have liked to see his return to the Presidency.

While the other political parties are still dithering to name their Presidential Candidate, the PPP/C has already done so.

The PPP/C has confronted many subterfuges in and out of elections season.  We fought off and overcame all of them.

This new subterfuge will be fought off too and consigned to the dustbin of history.



Freedom House

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