Jagdeo receives Sangha award as thousands celebrate Shiva Raatri

Swami Vidyananda Ji Maharaj presents the Sangha Shield of Excellence to former President Bharrat Jagdeo during the Maha Shiva Raatri celebration at the Cove and John Guyana Sevashram Sangha

Former President Bharrat Jagdeo received the Sangha Shield of Excellence for “years of exceptional leadership” during the opening day of the Maha Shiva Raatri celebrations on Monday, February 20, at the Cove and John Ashram in Guyana.

The award was presented by former student of the ashram, Naresh Singh on behalf of the Guyana and American Sevashram Sangha. The former president expressed gratitude for the award, but noted that the service which the ashram has given to the community over the years is also worthy of an award.

Jagdeo lauded the “exemplary” work of Swami Vidyananda Ji Maharaj, noting that the swami has worked hard to keep the organisation vibrant and described him as an asset to the ashram and the country as a whole. The former president was bestowed with the award on the event of Maha Shiva Raatri, an auspicious day on the Hindu calendar at the Cove and John Ashram.

Meanwhile, President Donald Ramotar told the gathering of devotees that it was the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/ C) administration that promoted the atmosphere of freedom in Guyana where all religions can be practised openly.

“It was our party that first raised its voice for equality of religion, for freedom of worship and to open the public service in our society to people of other faiths,” President Ramotar said.

He noted that it was not by a fluke that Guyana has emerged as a multi-religious, multicultural society as this resulted from the country’s history, dating back to slavery and indentureship.

President Ramotar encouraged devotees to see ignorance as an enemy. “People propagate lies everyday in our society… there are slanders and lies against people who have a record and who have spent their lives fighting for freedom and for development in our country,” President Ramotar said.

Maha Shiva Raatri is celebrated every year in reverence of Lord Shiva on the 13th night/ 14th day of the Maagha month of the Hindu calendar. Offerings are made to Lord Shiva by devotees who fast for days in the lead-up to the day.

In the meantime, it was announced by Naresh Singh that plans are afoot for the construction of the Hindu College of Technology at the Guyana Sevashram Sangha.

Singh, who pursues a career in computer technology, said he is optimistic about the institution becoming the Google campus of the Caribbean. He said it will follow the Zara Learning Centre which was commissioned two years ago. That institution is equipped with a state-of-the-art public library, a video/ audio centre, reprography centre and an Internet research area. Also present at the occasion were First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds and Legal Affairs Minister and Attorney General Anil Nandlall.

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