It’s not about elections; it’s about governing

Dear Editor
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the People Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) on its success during the Local Government Elections (LGE).
Let us take this time to recognise that it is not just about winning elections (be it Local Government Elections or General Elections). It is about how you Govern that matters.
The PPP/C lost the 2015 General Elections because the majority of people believed that its governance style left a lot to be desired.
In this day and age, people expect accountability, transparency and good governance from their government. These are basic requirements.
It is up to the PPP/C to prove to the Guyanese people that it can deliver these tenets of Democracy, as well as enhancing development in their communities.
I believe that the PPP/C has made a big mistake in its campaign by promising no rates and tax increases, as these communities will have to rely on Central Government for their funding. This means that the APNU+AFC Government will have significant control over Local Government because it controls the purse strings.
A decentraliation of power from Central Government is needed, so that local authorities can develop cash starved communities and so that people have more say in their community’s development. LGE is about giving more power to the people.
Yours Faithfully,
Sean Ori

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