…Ram says of meeting with Govt officials regarding VAT on private education

Social activist and Attorney-at-Law Christopher Ram has accused the Government of giving parents a raw deal on the recent Value Added Tax (VAT) on education consultation, and it was a total waste of time. Ram, who joined stakeholders in another protest held outside the Education Ministry’s Brickdam office on Wednesday, said the people who attended felt disrespected.
The outspoken lawyer told Guyana Times International that he had no hope that the Government would make any changes even though it promised to review the policy in 2018.
Reflecting on what took place at the consultation held at the National Cultural Centre on Friday, April 7, Ram said that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo came with a prepared speech and a final decision. “It was an abuse and an insult to the parents, and everybody who attended there and felt that…look we were invited to a genuine consultation. That we would be listened to and that the matter would be discussed dispassionately at Cabinet,” he opined.
Ram maintains that the Government was too quick to implement VAT on education without researching the impact and addressing the many concerns of those likely to be affected.