It gat too much “bull” fuh meat short!

De other day de agriculture boss seh that next year could see a shortage of food in some parts of de world due to de climatic conditions over de past months. He also seh that a meat shortage is currently in progress in Guyana. Sometime before he seh that, de local abattoir seh that there is a shortage of bull which is de primary source of beef. Fuh many, that is a serious concern. No bull means no beef? Dem want fuh know how beef could be in short supply when dem know that plenty “bull” is around especially since de “Hands Up” and key party and de “mukracker” always gat “beef” with any project that gon benefit de nation! Knowing that, people sehin that “beef” is in abundance! Dem also sehin given that de two parties and de rag paper always talking “bull”, there is enough “beef” fuh supply local demands and even overseas!
Some questioning whether de people down at de abattoir and de agri boss man not “seeing” de plenty “bull” around. Dem seh more “bulls” can be found in de Big Market paper, pun de two opposition news cast and from people like Mark, Chrissy, Freddy, Solomon, overseas David, Lincoln and so on. Dem seh CN is very “generous” and does be giving out a lot of “bull” every day. Dem also seh that over de past few weeks, plenty “bull” coming out from de “people’s parliament” which is just a stone’s-throw from de Hall of de City where some seh de “king of bull” reign!
People want fuh know how come de set in de “people’s parliament” just tek over de newly-built recreational area and preventing others who really need fuh use de place from doing so! Dem also sehin that de government gat fuh pay security and other expenses fuh de place and is only de few who “bulling” benefiting! De people sehin that can’t be fair. Dem asking why de “people’s parliament” don’t go and occupy one of de “big” lawyer or de “ mukracker” place since dem gat plenty and dem all gat things in common—“ bull”! Others sehin that de same set in de “people’s parliament” does accuse de government of doing nothing about animals in public places. More “bull!” Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie!

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